In all industry sectors, the companies and government agencies will acknowledge the real investors, workers spending their money and time. It can be legally proved that panaji greedy goan bhandari online fraudster raw employee sunaina chodan like greedy gujju stock trader amita patel, indore cheater housewife deepika/veena,panaji goan gsb fraud housewife robber riddhi nayak caro and other fraud raw/cbi employees has never done any computer work, does not pay hardware, domain and other expenses and does not have any online income
Yet the top tech, internet companies, government agencies are openly involved in SLAVERY, FINANCIAL FRAUD, DATA THEFT, ROBBING the data of the online worker, investor to make fake claims about their favorite fraud call girl sunaina chodan and other lazy greedy fraud raw/cbi employees.
Due to massive FINANCIAL FRAUD, SLAVERY of the online worker, investor, the real investors, workers are making a great loss despite working long hours, taking risk, while the favorite fraud call girls, housewives and other cheaters of indian government agencies are become richer, using robbed data to make fake claims, which the incompetent government blindly believes to pay all the frauds monthly government salaries at the expense of the online worker, investor
Recently india’s top Online fraudster panaji greedy goan raw employee sunaina chodan purchased an expensive maruti swift dzire car costing Rs 7.5 lakh, yet being a shameless cheater she lacks the honesty and humanity to purchase even one of the many domains she FALSELY CLAIMS to own to get a monthly government salary and all the top indian tech and internet companies continue to reward her for her ONLINE, FINANCIAL FRAUD on the real domain investor.
The indian government policy of rewarding online fraudsters like panaji greedy goan raw employee sunaina chodan married to a gsb photographer, and DUPING countries, companies and people with FAKE STORIES about its ONLINE, BANKING FRAUDSTER employees like sunaina chodan has left the online investors, workers, demotivated