Bank KYC will legally prove the extent of the government SLAVERY, FINANCIAL FRAUD of tech, internet companies, due to which they cannot be trusted

Income tax returns, bank KYC will legally expose CYBERCRIME, FINANCIAL FRAUD of indore,goan, gujju,haryana, shivalli brahmin officials
Though the government agencies, tech and internet companies falsely claim that they are very honest and patriotic, in reality they are the most SHAMELESS SCAMMER, CUNNING CHEATERS openly involved in CYBERCRIME, FINANCIAL FRAUD on small online business owners, to get no work, no investment government jobs for their lazy greedy fraud relatives and friends like goan bhandari raw employee CALL GIRL sunaina chodan, bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree, wife of tata power employee guruprasad
Though the domain fraudster raw/cbi employees are not investing any money in domains, do notdo any computer work, showing how ruthless the rich and powerful especially the greedy goan bhandari led by CHEATER chodankar, naik are in CHEATING, EXPLOITING, ROBBING, professionals, investors from poorer communities especially marathi speaking bhandari professionals,google, tata, indian internet companies are allegedly making FAKE CLAIMS about panaji goan bhandari raw employee CALL GIRL sunaina chodan (look alike below), bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree, sindhi scammers and other fraud raw/cbi employees to get them monthly government salaries at the expense of the real domain investor
Bank KYC exposed the business ownership, banking, accounting fraud of 5 states goa, karnataka, gujarat, haryana, madhya pradesh on the single woman engineer, a marathi speaking bhandari investor from north karnataka, yet the government refuses to correct its records regarding online income, domain, online business ownership

Almost all webhosting companies asked to close webhosting account after job for sex racket rewarding goan bhandari raw employee CALL GIRL sunaina chodan exposed

Though they get a very good salary, pension, bribes, greedy government employees in the internet sector are extremely ruthless in cheating, exploiting, robbing small online business owners,
The webhosting companies require customers, they are not bothered whether the customer is young, old,ugly especially for small amounts, Yet the government employees falsely claim that they are doing a great favor allowing citizens to host their domains, websites, and want to falsely give their favorite call girls, girlfriends, credit, monthly government salaries, while cheating, exploiting, the real domain investor in a case of government slavery.

When the domain investor is complaining since she is facing great losses because of the fake claims about goan bhandari raw employee CALL GIRL sunaina chodan the webhosting companies are being asked to close the webhosting account by indian government agencies, only a few are refusing