Government digital SLAVERY in india highlights the risk of work in the tech sector

digital india has been converted into digital SLAVERY india to make GREEDY FRAUD communities like gujjus, sindhis, goans, brahmins, banias richer,powerful
Though the indian government talks of digital india in reality it has been converted digital SLAVERY to make GREEDY FRAUD communities like gujjus, sindhis, goans, brahmins, banias, goan bhandaris richer,powerful at the expense of the paypal account holders, domain investors from the poorest and most powerless communities in india. This digital SLAVERY india is masterminded by the indian tech and internet companies allegedly led by google, tata

The modus operandi of the greedy FRAUD SHAMELESS communities like goan bhandaris, gujjus , sindhis, their shameless LIAR officials is to criminally defame the hardworking indian paypal account holder in the worst manner, making 100% fake allegations without any kind of legally valid proof, repeat their fake allegations like parrots for more than 10 years, to ruin the reputation of an innocent person completely

The indian government is also supporting digital SLAVERY in india blindly believing in the complete lies of the fraud gujju sindhi, goa, goan bhandari officials, to give lazy greedy frauds from their community government jobs falsely claiming that they are online experts, domain investors when they do not invest any money in domains, do not have any online income at all.

In contrast the innocent hardworking domain investor being criminally defamed by the rich and powerful communities is never given any opportunity to defend herself against the complete LIES of the extremely GREEDY rich, powerful LIAR FRAUD communities and their officials, who are involved in CYBERCRIME to steal data and make fake claims in a clear case of discrimination, government slavery

The flawed government policy of believing in the complete lies of FRAUD LIAR officials from rich and powerful communities like gujjus, sindhis, shivalli brahmins, gsb, goan bhandaris, while falsely labelling domain investors from poorer communities a security threat for protesting against the CRIMINAL DEFAMATION of the rich and powerful communities has encouraged digital slavery.

Additionally the government refuses to admit that it is making fake claims about domain ownership, online income, and refuses to correct its records for the last 9 years at least in panaji, goa criminally defaming domain investors from poorer communities. This encourages rich and powerful communities to manipulate the system, since they are aware that the indian government will never correct its records regarding domain ownership, online income continuing its digital slavery

Hence countries, companies and people should be aware that government digital SLAVERY is rampant in india, and government agencies are openly involved in FINANCIAL FRAUD falsely claiming that their lazy greedy fraud employees like goan bhandari scammer sunaina chodan, who do not spend any money on domains, do no computer work, own the domains, bank account of a private citizen to pay all domain, banking fraudsters a monthly government salary continuing online SLAVERY

After being victim of government slavery for 11 years, domain investor has very less interest in any new technology

In 2010, the domain investor was using the latest technologies in India, yet due to the indian and state government slavery, especially in goa, madhya pradesh, haryana she never got credit or any benefit, despite investing a large amount of time and money while well connected frauds got permanent raw/cbi jobs only for MAKING FAKE CLAIMS, cheating, exploiting her
Allegedly bribed by greedy fraud indian tech and internet companies led by google, tata, the indian government refuses to admit that it is openly involved in government slavery, falsely linking lazy greedy fraud raw/cbi employees like indore robber deepika, robber riddhi nayak caro who do not help in any way, with her, to pay all the frauds a monthly government salaries
So after being victim of indian government slavery for 11 years, domain investor has very less interest in any new technology, she is using new tech gadgets less than most other people, and the trend will continue.

Indian tech, internet companies falsely claiming that housewives COOKING, CLEANING for crooked husband, are simultaneously doing computer work

One of the best examples that indian tech, internet companies are pathological LIARS, FRAUDS who should not be trusted is how they are falsely claiming that housewives COOKING, CLEANING for crooked husband, are simultaneously doing computer work for clients outside india to get the cheater housewives monthly government salaries, great powers at the expense of the person actually doing the computer work in a case of government slavery since 2010
While it can be legally proved that the goan call girls sunaina, siddhi are doing other jobs, non-internet work, the indian internet sector allegedly led by google, tata is very aggressive in promoting the scammer housewives, in a case of CYBERCRIME, CRIMINAL DEFAMATION of the hardworking older single woman actually doing the computer work.
Though the hardworking single woman is protesting, the indian internet sector refuses to end its work at home government slavery racket

Making up FAKE team stories to reward lazy greedy young scammers with government jobs was the most innovative FRAUD of the indian internet sector since 2010

R&AW/cbi refuse to correct it fake team records rewarding young scammers, CHEATING,EXPLOITING,criminally defaming hardworking older single woman engineer
One of the best indications that government CORRUPTION levels in india are the highest in the world making life hell for citizens like the domain investor,is how for 9 years,R&AW/cbi refuse to correct it fake team records CHEATING,EXPLOITING,criminally defaming hardworking single woman engineer
There is no one helping the domain investor at all, especially after her retirement savings were stolen in 2012 , yet in a major government fraud and government slavery, raw/cbi are making up FAKE team STORIES to CRIMINALLY DEFAME,CHEAT, EXPLOIT the hardworking single woman engineer in the worst manner, deny her the income and opportunities she deserved with their 100% FAKE TEAM stories.
In one of the most sophisticated BRIBERY rackets of raw/cbi employees who are targetting hardworking indian paypal account holders, though the well paid government employees are aware that no one is helping the hardworking person in any way at all, they are falsely claiming that well connected lazy greedy frauds, usually young and good looking, are part of the team of the hardworking person
They then criminally defame the hardworking person actually doing the work in the worst manner, to deny the person the income and opportunities she deserved, and give government jobs to the fake team member who is young and goodlooking, making up 100% FAKE STORIES that the young scammer is doing the work using stolen data, obtained by hacking the computer of the hardworking person, usually from a poor and powerless community.
In reality the young scammer is only enjoying himself or studying or working elsewhere (not internet related ) yet the government agencies continue making up FAKE TEAM stories to get massive bribes from the lazy greedy young scammer, who is getting a monthly government salary without doing any computer work at all in one of the most shocking cases of government slavery which the mainstream media refuses to cover .
When the well connected young scammer is not interested in doing any kind of computer work, why is the state, indian government making up fake stories that the young scammer is doing the work, in a clear case of discrimination, ageism, government slavery

Those who do not invest their time and money will not feel upset or disappointed if they do not get anything

The ntro/raw/cbi employees are questioning the mental health of the domain investor when she becomes upset, because she is not getting anything despite spending so much time and money on domains, taking the risk
To domain investor does not like being cheated, exploited, so she is not investing her time and money in smartphones or cryptocurrencies or other tech trends, she does not want to become upset again, wasting her time and money.
Those who do not invest their time and money will not feel upset or disappointed if they do not get anything, only those who make the mistake of investing money in fraud controlled sectors like indian internet sector are disappointed when they are cheated, exploited.

Indian internet,tech sector should search for other risk takers, innovators leave the domain investor they ruthlessly CHEATED, EXPLOITED, ROBBED alone

Due to the indian government slavery of older single women domain investors, especially in panaji, goa, the domain investor is making very less money, since the indian internet sector is rewarding frauds like like panaji kolhapur born scammer sindhi schooldropout housewife cbi employee naina premchandani who looks like actress sneha wagh, illegally married at 16, her scammer sons karan, nikhil, goan bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, greedy goan gsb housewife robber riddhi nayak caro, bengaluru brahmin cheater nayanshree, wife of tata power employee guruprasad, fraud haryana mba hr ruchika kinge, indore robber deepika, greedy gujju stock broker amita patel, and other raw/cbi employees who do not spend any time and money on domains
Like other gadgets the performance of a smartphone depends to a great extent on the price, high end smartphones have better features, are easier to use. Due to the google, tata masterminded government slavery, the domain investor cannot afford to spend Rs40000 on a smartphone, since the greedy gujju, sindhi scammers, goan hackers will again hack it, wasting her money
She is also not interested in working long hours writing for clients to pay for expensive smartphones or gadgets, causing great stress. The domain investor was denied the income and opportunities she deserved despite spending a large amount of money on domains, due to corruption, nepotism. Yet google, tata, indian internet sector being extremely greedy and selfish still expects her to innovate
It is time that top companies and officials realize that the domain investor they ruthlessly cheated and exploited does not have the money and motivation to innovate for smartphone use and leave her alone, stop monitoring her

NTRO employees take pride in hacking computers of private citizens so that almost no software works, they are only used as typewriters.

In a clear case of abuse of power, NTRO employees take pride in hacking computers of some private citizens like the domain investor, so that almost no software works, they are only used as typewriters.
Till 2015, at least some software would work on the computers, now even the most basic software is not working on the desktop computer of a private citizen, like the domain investor
The ntro employees are controlling the computers of private citizens so completely in panaji, goa, that they are asking furniture companies to advertise a computer table with a typist chair, since the computer can only be used for typing

Mumbai lawyer also confirms that files are deleted from computers of professionals remotely

The domain investor has noticed that some files, especially excel files with financial data were often deleted from her desktop and laptop, she wasted her time searching for the missing files
It appears that other indian citizens are also adversely affected, Mumbai lawyer also confirms that files are deleted from computers of professionals remotely especially when they connect to the internet
Since the lawyer is making plenty of money, he is having multiple computers, and some computers are never connected to the internet so that no data is stolen or deleted remotely

Like the greedy gujju fraudster officials, google does not realize that trust lost is difficult to regain

In 2021, most people are using smartphones extensively, spending all their time messaging and using different apps.
After being cheated, exploited, robbed and subjected to human rights abuses for 11 years without a legally valid reason, the domain investor does not trust the tech sector and is not interested in using any gadget extensively
So despite being an early domain investor, netbanking user, because of the indian internet sector financial fraud, government slavery , the domain investor has lost faith in the tech sector.
It appears that google and its associates want the domain investor to use gadgets extensively,to innovate yet the domain investor is so upset and disappointed at the cheating, exploitation, the lack of humanity and honesty in the tech companies, that she is least interested because she will only be cheated, exploited, get nothing despite spending her time and money.
Like the greedy gujju fraudster officials and companies like digitalmind sending messages, google, tata do not realize that trust lost is difficult to regain

bengaluru brahmin R&AW employee nayanshree, wife of tata power employee guruprasad, boasts that husband remotely deletes files from computers of private citizens

One of the main reasons the domain investor is using paper notebooks for keeping financial records is because bengaluru brahmin R&AW employee nayanshree, wife of tata power employee guruprasad, boasts that husband remotely deletes files from computers of private citizens to cause great losses, wasting their time and money.
Usually most people do not expect anyone to delete the files on their desktop or laptop when there is no one entering the house or room.
Yet indicating high levels of cybercrime, tata power employee guruprasad, MIT manipal, 2000 graduate has been deleting files from the computers of private citizens including the domain investor since 2012.
The person often has stored important financial data in the files, and then spends time searching for the files, only to realize that they are missing.
Instead of wasting time, money creating the same digital file again, some citizens are keeping all their records offline.