Indian government, tech and internet sectors support for indore ROBBER raw employee deepika’s online, financial fraud, has destroyed the domain investors faith in tech, internet sector

India’s top domain fraudster indore ROBBER raw employee deepika has never invested any money in domains, has no online income, does no computer work at all, yet showing that google, tata, indian tech and internet companies are the greatest online fraudsters in the world, they have supported support for indore ROBBER raw employee deepika’s online, financial fraud since 2010 on a hardworking single woman engineer, domain investor, who has no one to help or defend her against the fraud madhya pradesh and other state governments
When indore ROBBER raw employee deepika and other lazy greedy fraud raw/cbi employees are not interested in investing money in domains since 2010, why does the indian tech and internet sector want to make fake claims, cheating, exploiting the real domain investor
The top officials and companies in the tech, internet sector are such section 420 frauds, that they refuse to acknowledge the financial FRAUD since 2010 when their favorite indore ROBBER deepika was not investing money in domains, why make FAKE CLAIMS

Indian tech and internet sector favors goodlooking young looking fairskinned tall persons

Increasingly it is obvious that the Indian tech and internet sector favors goodlooking young looking fairskinned tall persons and discriminates against shorter persons, who are victims of government slavery, financial fraud.
Realizing that the indian internet sector will not end the discrimination, shorter individuals who have lost a huge amount due to the discrimination are reducing their exposure to the internet sector, are not wasting their time and money on the latest gadgets, since they will never be treated fairly.

Spreadsheet software also does not work properly due to computer hacking

Since 2013, the domain investor has realized that using spreadsheets is a waste of time for her, due to extensive computer hacking
The spreadsheets are hacked so much, that summation of figures is not accurate
Software users expect the software to work perfectly especially for basic math like addition and substraction
When software does not work for basic addition, it is better to shut down the computer and work offline.

LIAR indian tech and internet companies making fake claims about greedy goan call girl raw employees sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar

R&AW has admitted that the greedy goan call girl raw employees sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar are hired mainly for honeytrapping, yet to please their SUGAR DADDIES, LIAR indian tech and internet companies making fake claims about greedy goan call girl raw employees sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar falsely claiming that the honeytrapping experts who do not spend money on domains, are domain investors, online experts
To cover up the FINANCIAL, online fraud, the real domain investor, an older single woman engineer, spending a huge amount of money annually on domains, is criminally defamed in the worst manner, to cheat, exploit and rob her to destroy her reputation, so that no one will believe her, though she is telling the truth
The real domain investor is wasting time and money daily exposing the fact that LIAR indian tech and internet companies making fake claims about greedy goan call girl raw employees sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar